Before September ended, ICJEC had planned for recruitment,only this time, we were targeting a mass recruitment. To do that, Kuya Khert designed our posterwhich will be posted on different schools here in Iligan, including Mindanao State University– Iligan Institute of Technology, Lyceum and St. Michael’s College and even onplaces or establishments where bunch of crowds could check up on. Likewise, tobe able to reach and gather more attention from everyone here in Iligan, ourKuya had also created an ICJEC website showcasing different activities andservices the organization has done on the previous years, as well as the goals,missions and vision of the Iligan City Junior Eagles Club. Luckily, thiswebsite was created right on one the most popular social networking sites i.e.Facebook, which has not only given the people info’s on our organization buthas also given them the chance to register online.
After weeks of preparation, October 8, presentation ofrecruits finally came on our doors.Gladly, there were more or less 20 people whocam and were oriented by the Club President Eagle Jhay Ruben Gagara.
Kuya Jhay explaining the rules and regulations for an ICJEC neophite |
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Before the first screening came, some of these applicants,a.k.a neophytes, backed out, on the brighter side, however, many were stilleager to really join the club and after few weekends, the number of neophytesgrew until it has reached 25 on the final balloting.